This will show your deep interest in the industry. During sorority recruitment, alumna fill out recommendations for candidates that focus on academics, leadership and service achievements. Well-rounded women make great additions to a sorority. Youve got to prove them in your bullet points. It should give an overview of your work experience, education, and achievements. Listing homeroom monitor, freshman year wont help your sorority resume. 1. {RELATED POST:15 Sorority Rush Essentials | Items You Definitely Need During Sorority Rush This Year}. Please read full disclosure. In order to maintain consistency across all groups, the below are Zoom expectations for all chapters and PNMs. Learning Languages #5. Talk to your parents about whether this is the right decision for you. *The names and logos of the companies referred to above are all trademarks of their respective holders. This doesn't mean you only need 1 rec! Get the job you want. Make sure to ask the girls in the house questions too! Especially as recruitment progresses, the tension level will rise as the number of parties each round decreasesworking out, listening to music, and watching movies in the dorm with your new friends are great ways to kick back and take your mind off recruitment for a little while. Life Scout. To see a detailed list of cookies, click here. For example, you can discuss athletic involvement and highlight your ability to form friendships and contribute to a team. Research the values of the sororities youre most interested in for discussion ideas. Unlike a college admissions interview, a sorority interview is a more relaxed conversation. Founded & led running club of 15+ members. An estimated 200,000 more apply each year. Senior Patrol Leader, Troop 571, Buffalo, NY. Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You will not be alone. It makes things easy for the house mom by putting your newest achievements up top. From someone who has gone through rush at The University of Alabama, here are 15 tips that will make your rush experience the smoothest it can be! We may also collect password information from you when you log in, as well as computer and/or connection information. You didnt just say, Worked with 7 employees. You also showed what you achieved together. When the party is over and you have free access to the notebook you have in your purse or ziplock, write down the name of the house, your hostess name, the names of any other girls you remember meeting, and anything you remember in particular about your conversations with them. This will make your interaction more of a conversation rather than an interview. A small shoulder bag is perfect for recruitment at UGA. For more information, please visit our Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy. Be sure to drink lots of water! (859) 257-3151. This can make you look unprofessional and is also really uncomfortable for you. You have to do the head scratching to remember what youve done. Sample Sorority Recommendation Letter Sorority letters April 26th, 2019 - Here is a sample letter of sorority recommendation You can use this sample rush letter to recommend a PNM to any chapter When recommending make sure to say which sorority you come from and why y Letters of Recommendation University Panhellenic Council Your biography? You are passionate about zoology, don't be afraid to bring it up. Again, dont rely on the house refreshments to quench your thirstif your collegiate Panhellenic council doesnt provide water bottles during the first rounds of recruitment, check to see if a small bottle in your ziplock would be allowed. The sorority mom wants more than just your education in a resume. What is most important is how you feel about the girls you met at that house, and whether they are people you would be proud to call sisters. 5. You don't need to provide a list of hard skills to get into a sorority. When youre done, Zetys resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better. If possible, talk to a current sorority member or recent alumna from your school. Since leadership positions are available at sororities, this is a great opportunity to ask the interviewer about sorority leadership. Think of it as your secret weapon for standing out during recruitment. Learn how to make a cover letter that gets interviews. 6. Cooking forces you to be in the moment, focusing entirely on the product and processes at hand. That being saidthere are some topics you want to stay away from. A fun a girly theme, what better way to be then in your PJs hanging out with your sisters and getting to know PNMs. Ensure you are honest about these interests and activities; a sister will likely dig deeper and ask more questions about them. Share how you see the sorority helping you grow as a person and allowing you to give back in a meaningful way (philanthropy). It can be very lonely going through sorority rush as a sophomore. They typically recruit each semester and share announcements about . These notes will be so important when it comes time to decide what houses you want to keep. Forget it all as you walk up to the house, and let the girls inside know that there is nowhere youd rather be than with them at that moment. By sharing your values and passions, you could be talking to the person in the sorority who matches you the most. You should show high school sports under your education section. It's just a matter of getting over the nerves and making sure the sororities see these qualities in you. Play up your past leadership roles on your application. Also be nice to the people who were in the position before you- the older ones. Theres a special way to prove you got them in a sorority. Unless specifically stated otherwise, such references are not intended to imply any affiliation or association with Zety. I'm not going to lie I looked at it for my school too. Easier said than done, probably, but try to take it easy and rest up when youre not attending parties and convocations. Philanthropy-oriented: ever work with kids, seniors, special needs folks? Have your resume ready in 5 minutes. What hobbies look good in a sorority rush resume? 4. the BEST SORORITY RECRUITMENT ADVICE explaining everything you NEED to know about the process, what to expect during rush, conversation & confidence tips, ru. You need to have other things like leadership, volunteering, education, etc. You don't want to be pulling your dress down all day flashing anyone lol. The price of bid day or preference night especially can add up if you're not careful. BSA Life Scout who raised $8,500 for animal welfare with expert-level social media fundraising skills. Whether your recruitment is happening over Zoom or will occur in person, InterviewFocus is here to help. Don't be surprised though if she still isn't forthcoming about socials. The more connections, the better your odds. If you were part of an honors program or debate club, feel free to discuss that experience. Some sisters are involved in Student Government, Housing, and Residential affairs, serve as executives and share a deep connection with what you care for. There may also information about recommendations and if/how many the Panhellenic council suggests you may need. Tom Gerencer is a career expert and Certified Professional Resume Writer who has published over 200 in-depth articles on Zety. Dont be offended if/when you are handed off to another active memberthe girls are trying to meet as many PNMs as possible, and the more actives you meet, the more opportunities you have to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Don't wear perfume. 3 mins for reading / 12. Blogging #4. Write 36 bullet points to describe the job and your accomplishments. As always, refrain from discussing partying in your answer. 5. This site uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Soft skills are the way to go. I am a 20-something blogger, freelancer, and content & social media manager. You may not know much about the sororities at your school and the responsibilities and advantages associated with membership. That means talking up your knowledge of the sorority. SECTION 5: EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES + INTERESTS Church Youth Group Fashion Blogging I, for example, can probably count on one hand how many socials I went to throughout my time in my sorority. With the same stuff. Youre going to need all the energy you can muster to present the best possible you to your potential new sisters, and that means eating healthy meals and snacks. Youll want to present yourself in the best possible light because sororities DO look at potential new members online presence. Seeking to enrich Alpha Phi's membership ranks. You: What are your passions? Ask about time commitment, expectations for members as far as participation, and whether the house will be willing to work with you if your schedule includes many classes, work, and/or other obligations. And this can help you approach conversations with more confidence and ease. Don't be offended if/when you are handed off to another active memberthe girls are trying to meet as many PNMs as possible, and the more actives you meet, the more opportunities you have to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Heres a recap of how to write a sorority resume: Thats it! But that is not to say that the process is only scary for the incoming PNM's. Most sororities, mine included, practice some type of "spirit week" to prepare for recruitment; and it. 7. Plus the girls in the house will love getting a break from coming up with questions to ask after doing it all day. What is your favorite memory with your sorority sisters. Pick the right format for your situation. You never know if you are talking to a potential sister or new friend! Its important to give an honest answer, not an answer you think someone wants to hear. This video includes small testimonies of the women in the chapter and shows that their house is a home and a place where you can be surrounded by your best friends who turn into family! List Greek affiliations like parents and other relatives. Here are 50 inexpensive activities to start today! But, for many potential new members (PNMs), the process can be nerve-wracking. Right now, though, your sole focus should be on getting to know the women. Be mindful of what you post and how this could reflect on you. Your email address will not be published. Watched children and provided safety and supervision on nights and weekends. They bond over volunteer work, do homework together, and much more. Do you speak a second language? Dehydration is a real possibility if youre not drinking enough waternobody wants to have to withdraw from recruitment because of heat stroke! If your GPA is high, highlight that. Heres a cheat sheet to take you all the way through the process of joining a sorority. Ask her about what drew her to the sorority. Ensured screen time limits were adhered to. At the same time, though, the only time you have to worry is if your GPA is below the minimum GPA requirement. The reason this isn't allowed is so that every girl gets an equal and fair amount of time with each house. You: What do you like to do in your free time? There is a saying when your daughter decides to go through sorority recruitment, "Trust the Process." It is said repeatedly throughout the rush preparation period. 3. Here are a few tips for making a positive impression at each house you visit: 1. This is kind of a random tip but honestly one of my favorites. Ouch. Youll be asked a lot of questions about yourself, based largely upon the resume you submitted with your information packet, as well as questions about your dorm, what youve been doing since you moved in as far as entertainment, etc. Art #12. Menu. For example, loyalty and leadership are two important values for many sororities. Talking bad about a house or openly talking about how you didn't like it is a BIG no no. 2. Sororities are made up of so many types of women. See perfect resume samples that get jobs. You need to have a genuine interest in the totality of sorority lifenot just one aspect. Give yourself plenty of time to wake up, shower, do hair and makeup, etc., and build in a little extra time in case you get thrown off schedule for some reason. Overall, don't be afraid to be yourself and to open up during recruitment. A sorority resume template you can change to fit. You can find more information about how we use cookies on our Cookies Policy. EVERYONE is hot/getting rained on/nervous/sweaty/hungry/wearing uncomfortable shoes/having the worst hair day of her lifethe way you cope with the discomforts and hassles of recruitment is a huge part of the impression you make on the sorority members. Sororities want to know who you are and what you stand for. On the other hand, you may be so exhausted from move-in and anticipation of recruitment that youll sleep really well, in which case youll want to make sure you wake up in time! They may not have had any family guidance, or their family members were a part of the Greek system so long ago. What to include in a cover letter? One of our users, Nikos, had this to say: [I used] a nice template I found on Zety. If a certain sorority's values align with yours, there's another align you'll fit in. I went to more sisterhoods than I went to socials. Yoga. Trust me your'e going to want to read this post. As you notice, I didn't add looks here. Today I am going to be sharing a couple of universal things that most sororities are looking for during recruitment. Sample sorority resumeSee more resume examples here. ), have learned to pay more attention to food labels, experiment with various fitness programs, and are trying new recipes in the kitchen. After each round of parties, youll go back to convocation to rank the houses you visited in order of preference. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Youll learn a lot about each houseall of which can provide valuable conversational topics when you visit them during recruitment! Employment Opportunities Administrative Assistant NON-EXEMPT AT-WILL The incumbent of this position serves as Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director (and National President) of The Links, Incorporated and The Links Foundation, Incorporated. Still, many people are asking . 4. This should include the applicant's interests, hobbies, academic accomplishments, and any other awards that will strengthen their chance of acceptance. For more detailed information, see the links at the end of this article. On the other hand, dont push yourself on your hostess or the other members. Every school has a different name for them but your rho chi will be your best friend during rush. volunteering is at the heart of what sorority women do. Running in high heels is difficult, and your feet will certainly need the break! Make your own decisions 9. 14 Ways College Seniors Can Get Ahead In Their Job Search, 17 Most Popular Jobs for College Graduates. This post may contain affiliate links, which means I'll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. WARNINGthis next one is a little strange (especially after advising you to drink plenty of water) and may seem like too much info, but its important. See our guide: List of Hobbies & Interests for a Resume or CV. We're like that little black dress: Timeless, classic, and never goes out of style. Pick the one quality that is most important to you Step #5. Need more skills suggestions for your sorority resume? The next of our sorority resume examples show how: Theres nothing cookie-cutter about that education section. If they do so, be sure to provide them with a copy of the information packet youve assembled for registration, and write them a lovely thank-you note in return. Your other resume sections can land the interview. Once youve arrived on campus, there are a few things to remember that will help you stay focused on making friends and making decisions about where youd like to belong: 1. How has this sorority affected your college experience? Talk to your recruitment counselor (if you have one), or a Panhellenic representative about withdrawing from recruitment. Have in your arsenal a few stock questions to ask at each house. The girls in the house and Panhellenic have spent years perfecting the rush process and they know what they're doing. They are completely unbiased and are a great resource for all questions or advice during rush. If you don't know what this is already, good. Note the date that registration opens on your calendar and register on that date or as soon thereafter as possible. Trust the process. Sometimes people end up filling two or more positions because a lot of people don't want to step up. During your time as a sorority sister, there is a big chance that you will have to submit a certain number of volunteer hours. This cute recruitment video showcases the fun-filled sisterhood at University of Delaware Alpha Phi. Figure out how long it will take you to get ready in the morning and set your alarm accordingly. So go for a minimalist resume template. If you do, I'm telling you right now to stop. 2. Finally, with another sister, you may want to take a more natural approach. I think this one is kind of a given but don't party during rush week. Being a member or leader allows you to gain skills that can transfer to work, enabling you to be a more effective employee. When you feel good, that positive energy permeates into every other aspect of your life. You talk it; we live it; you are too jealous to admit that. FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW AND WE WILL EMAIL YOU OUR EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW TIPS CHECKLIST, 12 Common Sorority Interview Questions for Pledges. The truth is no house is "good" or "bad" they are all just different! Dont let pressure or possible disappointment from family or friends sway your resolve to be true to yourself. If you do these two things, you will be able to share your love of leadership with the sorority easily. Family friends? You may freely give, refuse or withdraw your consent. Sorority Recruitment Ideas 1. That takes hard work and skill! Highlight an exciting or adventurous activity you participated in over the summer. Is there a long-term goal that the major will help you reach? If your high school GPA is low, it doesn't give sororities a lot of confidence that you will be able to handle your first semester of college. 2. DIY Taking on a project is a great way to tackle hobbies to do at home. To top it off, a lot of women are going through recruitment during their first semester of college. Find another upperclassman who is going through recruitment and become support buddies. Trust me they will appreciate it. Keep the conversation upbeat and positiveand never complain about anything! Even a little work history can show valuable skills in a sorority resume. Stay present in the conversation, don't have a staring contest with the girl, but stay engaged. Read original data insights to boost your reporting. Your resume for sororities should show you dont cut corners. Organized rides and meetings of 10+ active young women. Were your mom or dad in the Greek system? Generally, most sororities do recruitment in four rounds: open house, house tours, skit/philanthropy and preference. The first body paragraph consists of the candidate's qualifications for sorority membership. First, you interview Sam. After all, you want to get a bid from a house that likes you for you. The main purpose of the document is to demonstrate the most favorable characteristics, the most vital personality traits . This happens to girls during all stages of recruitment, so dont feel pressured or weird for wanting to walk away. Check. Round one of the recruitment is fast-paced and light-hearted. Believe her as some people genuinely aren't interested in the socials aspect of sorority life. You bet. Rush is a time to get to know the girls in the house and their philanthropy. The sample sorority resume sections below show how. DO: Take Notes After Each House One of my biggest tips for sorority recruitment week is to take notes after each house. Discussing a true passion makes you come across as interesting and authentic. Depending on what school you go to, sorority houses may be several blocks apart. Don't be afraid to show that to them through your conversations. Philanthropy is a significant part of Greek life. Due to COVID-19 there have been a lot of adjustments made for sorority recruitment. To sign up for your FREE account INSTANTLY fill out the form below! See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here. If you need to, take a pause and think, and then answer as you would any other interview question. The next of our sorority resume examples shows how: Pro Tip: If youve got some great Greek affiliations, dont be afraid to let your resume length spill over into two pages. Spend an hour making a list of all your best achievements. Enjoy yourself 11. Show how you used Mary-Barra-level skills. From the inside, looking out, you can't explain it. For example, you can discuss athletic involvement and highlight your ability to form friendships and contribute to a team. Be open about what led you to rush and why youre interested in being a part of a sorority. This is the most serious part of the recruitment, and it tends to be emotional. Make sure that you feel comfortable and can see yourself hanging out with them often. Can you list babysitting on a resume for sorority applications? So put on your best lip gloss, ankle booties, and . If you have certifications like First Aid, CNA, or others, add them to your resume. If you are a dedicated student, youll want to join a group that places academic achievement at the top of their priority list, not one that wants you to join so you can single-handedly boost the chapter GPA. Including your greek life in your professional work experience section can be a great way to boost your employability and market your skills if: You don't have enough relevant . Feb 26th, 2023 / These items are things you do NOT want to forget during rush week. Be it solid networking skills used during recruitment or managing a $100,000 budget as treasurer, everyone contributes something. These cookies give you access to a customized experience of our products. Do your homework! Writing a sorority resume, also known as a social resume, is similar to writing a resume for a job. Keeping an open mind is so so important when going into rush week. Next, you interview Brooke. Find values you resonate with and discuss how you view them, and live your life according to these values. With these tips, chances are good that you will end up in a sorority full of sisters with whom you fit in very well, and who will inspire, encourage, and help you to achieve your dreamsgo for it! Is there a passion or unique aspect that drove you to pick it? The last part of recruitment is known as pref day. All companies are moaning they can't find good recruiters after for two decades they pushed out good recruiters out of the industry by treating them like a donkey. For instance, I loved doing that in high school. Hiking in Heels works with PNMs to put together all of their pre-rush materials, practice for meeting with sorority women during parties, and advise on what to wear, say, and do during rush.. 2. I have a plethora of resources to help you with the next steps in your sorority experience: Amanda is the original voice behind The Happy Arkansan. Youve decided you want to go through recruitment. Use that bit of human psychology to your advantage. The reasoning is twofold: A) Asking questions shows genuine interest and confidence. I feel that these are the best topics that you can focus on when it comes to what sororities look for. Spirit week is very intense . Whats your biggest challenge with writing a sorority resume? Which girls reminded you of your best friend? If you work in addition to going to school, your sorority should be helpful in accommodating your work schedule, not summarily fining you for missing events. How can college seniors get ahead in their job search? Those all show you can pull your weight in a sorority resume. Whether you have your heart set on a particular sorority or are keeping an open mind, knowing how to respond to sorority interview questions is a must. Youll connect with members from different organizations, and hopefully, find the perfect sorority for you. Plus, youll get ready-made content to add with one click. You will probably be doing several activities related to this philanthropy throughout your time in the sorority, though. This means sororities are going off your high school GPA. Ask about leadership positions during the recruitment process. Copyright 2023 The Happy Arkansan. There are so many routes you can take with this question. Julie Goldberg | Alpha Epsilon Phi | She/Her Chat . This may be difficult in your new dorm, but try to get as much rest as you can. Sonority Rush Tips: 1. 2. Do not depend on reputations 4. Font size: 11-12 points, with resume headings 2-4 points bigger. 5 Tips For Gaining Confidence Before Sorority Recruitment, Sororities need to find members who are willing to step up t. o fill all the officer and chair positions. Create a cover letter in 5 minutes. Some sororities may only have three rounds if the sorority doesn't have a house. We hope you found these sorority interview questions and answers helpful. You're going to get so annoyed with how many times you hear "trust the process" but every girl that has gone through rush will tell you it's so true. This sorority interview question allows you to choose what aspect of that experience to focus on. Panhellenic will inform you about other options for joining a sorority after formal recruitment is over, or about trying again next year. Boost your chances of having your resume read with our help. She is trying to find a sister, not a party buddy. Talk to anyone and everyone during rush. Step #4. Learn what to put in a cover letter to make recruiters interested in you. Ran own babysitting business, starting with 1 client and working up to 20+ clients in 4 years through word of mouth and social marketing. Also, think about something unique about your life and weave it into your answer. 6. See if leadership naturally pops into the conversation as you all are talking. Unless it is a dire physical emergency, never, ever ask to go to the bathroom in a sorority house during a recruitment eventthis is the universal signal among sororities that you are not interested in this particular house. Start building aprofessional resume template here for free. Many sororities can't afford to take grade risks. Check out my posts about fashion and beauty during formal recruitment here and here. Sororities hang out and have sisterhoods together. While that might be your goal, you want to stand out. Share what drew you to the college. If youve worked a job, show how you used soft skills to make a difference. For Chapters Zoom Name All chapter members participating in recruitment will update their Zoom name to say Name | Sorority | Pronouns (optional) Ex. Even if that person doesn't match you, by sharing more about you, they can figure out if you would fit in with the sorority. Do you need a cover letter with a sorority resume? A sorority is a sisterhood. Those hours can take place with or outside of your sorority. Example #1 What about stepparents? Do this with many people that you meet during recruitment. Whether you want to volunteer at a soup kitchen, by tutoring students at local schools, coaching a Little League team, etc. Here are a few questions you can ask: Because pref night allows you to have more time with the remaining sororities youre considering, youll be able to have more in-depth conversations and get your questions answered. There will be plenty of time for you to worry about socials with boys later as they will inevitably come up during chapter meetings. Talking about how excited you are to meet the guys at the frats and party with them is not a good look. Fonts: choose one respected resume font and stick with it. Making Music #10. With that being said, there are some do's and don'ts when going through sorority recruitment. Be prepared before recruitment. This is all about a mutual perfect fit. 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Joining a sorority rush Essentials | Items you Definitely need during sorority recruitment, alumna fill out recommendations for that. The end of this article, don & # x27 ; t explain it you part! To keep companies referred to above are good hobbies to say for sorority recruitment just different let pressure or possible disappointment from or! Other interview question cookies give you access to a customized experience of our users, Nikos, had to... Walk away the truth is no house is `` good '' or `` ''. Related POST:15 sorority rush as a sophomore unbiased and are a few stock questions to ask after it... Find more information about how you used soft skills to make a cover letter to make better... Describe the job and your accomplishments rest as you would any other interview question allows you to yourself... Cookies give you an advantage over other candidates convocation to rank the good hobbies to say for sorority recruitment... To these values parties and convocations this one is kind of a random tip honestly... Be very lonely going through sorority rush as a social resume, is similar to writing a sorority rush?.
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