Compared to other signs, the Aquarius woman is also colder and more physically aggressive. An Aquarius woman may start becoming chilly and aloof. Colleen Fogarty is a writer who covers self-care, astrology, and relationship topics. Shell call all of them my dearest friend or sister or my sweet darling and genuinely mean the sentiment. If Aquarius is taking space from you, they probably need to. (After Breakup, No Contact), How To Get An Aquarius Woman To Chase You. Your mind starts to race, and you can become a jumbled mess of nerves when you're wracked with guilt. Aries, youre usually one of the more brutally honest zodiac signs. They tend to make a lot of friends. As a result, it gives you the opportunity to highlight any problems that have arisen between the two of you. When you ignore an Aquarius woman, she will become upset. One of the problems with ignoring an Aquarius guy is that it can have such different effects depending on the particular Aquarius you are dating. She plans on writing a non-fiction book in the future. As a result, you might want to think twice before going ahead with your plans or decisions because your Aquarius woman will definitely not put up with pointless outbursts. Libra (September 23 - October 22) Libra women are masters of flirtation. They do love men who can surprise them as they are spontaneous. She is always considering how she might improve the lives of people who require her assistance. Do something wrong to her and she will use it to against you for months or even years just because she doesnt talk to you. If your conversations were shallow, short and flat, they probably didn't get the high they normally get when they talk to someone they like. Aquarius women are free-spirited types who like to take off at a moments notice. No offense to you, but you have mastered the art of being aloof and emotionally distant, which means that you know how to acknowledge and emotion and tuck it away for safekeeping until you decide what to do with it. If an Aquarius woman chooses to share her emotions with you, youll probably hear some extremely harsh or critical comments. If everything isnt great between you, open up the lines of communication with him. The Cancer man and Aquarius woman differ in one major respect: their emotions. Ignoring him for a few days might make him realize that he is messing up his relationship and he might start chasing you to get your adoration and attention back. Every zodiac sign experiences guilt and shame differently, but they do all experience it. As they are so complicated it is hard to see the signs an Aquarius woman is in love with you. Here are 3 simple solutions that you should do to make her open up to you again: The first thing you need to do is to leave her alone some time. When she has lost interest in you, she may seek out methods to be with her friends and may even tell them that she no longer finds you appealing. So, while you decide the best (and most tactful way) to admit to your guilt, you hide it. This does not mean that you are not a priority to them, but other things and people are important in their lives as well. Becomes more social 5. If this situation is over one month, then you need to apologize her sincerely before everything gets much worse. These days you realize that she is cold and distant. Some distance in relationships is healthy, but if your partner is making you feel lonely and isolated, you might start to worry. If so, youre in luck, because this guide reveals everything you need to know about the behaviors that Aquarius women tend to exhibit when theyre attracted to a man. You may notice that the Aquarius lady in your life has changed her behavior, which might indicate that she is considering quitting your relationship. Table of Contents. An Aquarius woman is typically viewed as an aloof being who exists in separate spheres. One or two of these friends may progress into something more. When youre feeling guilty, you can almost always count on a loss of appetite. Writing is my catharsis, it provides me a space where I can be myself, with no fear of judgments! Guilt is such a weird emotion for you to experience, Capricorn. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Know Your Aquarius is an all-in-one portal for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Therefore, if you continue to ignore your Aquarius woman, there is a good probability that she may wish to end your relationship. When an Aquarius male is not attached to you, he might move on to other women when he feels ignored. Cats are independent animals who will come and go as they please, but they like the comfort of knowing there is a regular meal available should they want one. Other star signs think actions speak louder than words, but not Aquarius. An Aquarius man needs a woman with an open mind. Everything is subconscious and subliminal, meaning theres little to no risk of an embarrassing rejection. When it comes to building a relationship, friendship is the first and most crucial thing you need. They like to think through everything. Being able to show not only my passion for writing, but also my passion to help others in their relationships, means the absolute world to me and I hope to continue doing so. I think it helps to understand Aquarian women if you liken them to cats. An Aquarius woman could also leave you out in the cold when her heart gets too bitter and she will distance herself from you and behave as if you dont exist. Watch out for clumsy behavior in their speech and actions. Ignoring an Aquarius man will most usually hurt his feelings and they do not like to be ignored by their partner. Q. Until March 20th: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar fourth house. That said, when youre acting guilty, you feel like you have to make small talk that goes nowhere instead of not talking at all you know, just in case someone uses that silence to accuse you of acting weird. If your Aquarius lady feels disrespectful or just bored with you, there are a few tell-tale indications that she is done with you: Her mind is a whirlwind of activity. When an Aquarius woman distances herself from you, you may find that she will begin to respond with short statements. As a result, he may start chasing you again as if you were at the beginning of your relationship. She always has trust issues with her feelings; thats why she will shut down and pull away initially. Aquarius women value honesty and freedom. How Do You Know When Aquarius Woman is Done With You? Aquarians tend to create their own stress because they are the biggest procrastinators in the zodiac. However, they may have several reactions towards a person when they ignore her, especially when that person is her lover. This entails guiding a conversation toward a topic shes comfortable discussing, such as herself. Therefore, if you ignore an Aquarius woman repeatedly, she might actually give up and ignore you too. An Aquarius woman in love will not seek revenge if the relationship breaks up. An Aquarius woman might change her mind about who you are and how she feels about you. The list of behaviors below will give you a clear idea of what youll need to deal with. Gemini (May 20 June 21) Geminis will honestly feel a little guilty if they get ghosted because they are the sign most likely to do the ghosting. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are Insecure Vs. But still more reasons explaining why she doesnt spend time with you, check the following ideas: When Aquarius woman ignores you, she may have a busy time solving her personally and professionally. What to Do When Aquarius Woman Ignores You? Use I statements so that Aquarius doesnt feel accused of anything. Are You an Aquarius- Find Out Who Can Be Your Best Friend? Despite not being a sensitive sign, an Aquarius woman becomes withdrawn when her trust is violated. Answer (1 of 5): Initially they do. Have a look at the relationship of Capricorn and Aquarius with a click. If you think that taking away your attention from him could encourage a reaction like this from him, it could be worth doing. Q. 9 - Do Not Prevent an Aquarius From Travelling. It means you are accepted. 8. She is an air sign, and her actions are as erratic as the clouds. They are open-minded and get excited about sharing new experiences. They never do things just for the hell of it. What Happens When You Ignore An Aquarius Man (13 Surprising Reactions), Most Aquarius men are very sensitive beings. With so many thoughts on their mind, Aquarians are innately aloof people. He may shower you with attention. Even though they crave social . Her love life is frequently similar, with a few deviations. But after realization they will start flirting with you or calling you everyday. If they love pottery, theyll own a kiln. They might not even know it was you who betrayed them, but it doesnt matter you know, and thats enough to feel terrible. If you are thinking about whether ignoring an Aquarius man will give him a wake-up call or make things right in your relationship again, then you may find talking to him first is better. So when he steps away, you step away. He wont want to be ignored and as opposed to craving your attention again, he may just start looking for someone else. This Zodiac sign has many contradictions. Things You Should Do When An Aquarius Girl Ignores You. Aquarius is the sign most concerned with the big picture, so you perpetually live in the future. As an Aquarian, I can tell you that we always try to avoid all kinds of conflicts. Gemini, you absolutely love keeping the conversation flowing, no matter who youre with. Most Aquarius men are very sensitive beings. When you are experiencing a guilty shame, you are one of these people, too. An Aquarius woman is quite charming in her own way. Aquarius display a lack of interest in you and stop saying the things they used to once theyre done with you. Part of this involves debate and discussion. Give them space. Aquarians are not the touchy-feely type. An Aquarius woman takes some time to open up, but once she does, she will be a fiercely loyal lover. So they are prone to starting new relationships before the old one has finished. If they are fascinated by the stars, theyll have a telescope. The issue may be resolved sooner than you think if you simply accept Aquarius for who they are, quirks and all. It is, therefore, a reliable sign of an Aquarius woman in love if she introduces you into her inner circle. Aquarius lady is one of the most lovable signs in the zodiac. This is because a stereotypical Aquarius woman finds it hard to let go of awkward or embarrassing situations. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Is Aquarius Compatibility With Sagittarius Any Good? So, if she avoids seeing you in public or is hesitant to make arrangements to see you outside of her comfort zone, she is essentially protecting her image. They are no more likely to lie to you than cut off ties with their friends. This is obviously not what you want at all, so do be careful if you are thinking of taking this tack in your relationship. Aquarians need space, its the Air sign in them. Women born under the sign of Aquarius are unable to be held down. Have she stopped talking to you for a long time, havent she? Aquarians have integrity running through their blood. Thinks 100% logically Final Words How to Deal with Aquarius Heartbroken? Six Factors To Make You Certain. Though it is guaranteed that an Aquarius woman will always be aware of how her actions affected her emotions, she will move toward the future in a healthy way. Your zodiac sign might not feel guilty about the same things that another zodiac sign feels guilty about, but both of you can experience the same side effects of guilt all the same. When youre guilty of something, you compensate by being way too nice. She isnt scared to speak her mind and voice her wants. You should realize that your typical Aquarius woman will have lots of friends. When you're feeling guilty about something, it can make you anxiously bite your nails, make it hard to eat, and even make it impossible to hold a conversation with someone. In addition to not being able to eat or sleep, guilt can give you headaches, acne, stomach ulcers, and more. If you observe your Aquarius lady tinkering with facts, avoiding eye contact, and quietly attempting to hide her feelings from you, she no longer sees the value in being honest in the relationship. When Aquarius woman ignores you, it's better to give her space and silently observe her behavior for awhile. If you want to take the lead with this woman and stop making mistakes with her, I highly recommend getting your hands on the in-depth guide, the Obsession Method. The difficulty surrounding Aquarius is their need for space. Notice those subtle signs quietly and you will know what she actually wants. This is what makes the zodiac sign so unpredictable. That said, lets first look at your Aquarius womans weaknesses and see what shes like when she gets angry!! People who are close to an Aquarius woman always perceive them as unyielding, and its partially accurate. You are also known for blaming yourself, even when you're not really at fault. This is no traditionalist who dreams of finding the right guy and settling down with each other along with two-point four kids and a dog. Do you think he is capable of moving on quickly? They do love men who can surprise them as they are spontaneous. You have an aggressively optimistic "there's always tomorrow" attitude, so you may have a hard time living in the present. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You didn't take their breath away. Ask them to join you in an activity that they enjoy. Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you? Aquarians are creative and quirky. If she truly desires someone, she will use whatever means at her disposal to court him. Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren't a priority for their boyfriend or husband. She is not someone to be bound by expectations and responsibilities. But to get them to want to deal with your relationship problems, connect in a different way. As I mentioned before, an Aquarius woman will cut you off because she is eager to cut ties with people who dont mesh with her. Sometimes ignoring an Aquarius woman will also benefit you because she might seriously consider discussing the issue that is bothering you and making an effort to resolve it. After realizing I was the person that everyone around me always came to for dating advice, I decided to merge this skill with my profession writing. According to astrologer Kristina Semos, Aquarius can have an "immediate affinity to you," but it can take a while for them to actually own up to the fact that they're in love. He will want things to be right between you, but he isnt always good at bringing up the subject that hurt him in the first place. This girl is pretty complicated and hard to read, according to the opposite sex. If you did something to hurt or upset her, reach out and give her a genuine apology. And, just as not every couple can reach a gold standard of emotional, sexual, spiritual, or purposeful closeness, not every couple can achieve a gold standard of intellectual intimacy. The key to winning over an Aquarius woman is to appeal to her with your mind and only after she has shown interest in you physically. Uranus makes Aquarius want to travel all over the world while also being calculated and introspective. Your relationship can take a big step back if they view your act of ignoring as being extremely immature and foolish. Trying to connect when an Aquarius ignores you will ease them back to you because it is something they like to do. Another thing that sometimes happens when you ignore an Aquarius man is that he starts seeing another person. And anyone who knows you best will know that when you're experiencing guilt, your body language changes completely. If she wants you out of her life, she has no desire to make you feel unique or valued. Instead of pushing her and asking for an explanation, simply make her comfortable. You know that eyes are always on you, so you try to keep your chin up until you figure out how to make the guilt go away, but its never that easy. Take that time to reflect upon whether this behavior is directed at you, or if Aquarius is just being their flighty self. When theyre angry or upset, their brusque remarks may bleed ears, as much as they can dazzle you with their communication skills. In this case, she just distances herself from others so that she can accomplish all the goals. That said, you can also be very temperamental and moody. Ignoring your Aquarius man may also make him question who you are. You are the type of zodiac sign to always own up to your mistakes, and you pride yourself on being able to show others how important being honest is. You always try to be a good friend to your friends, Sagittarius. When you stop helping an Aquarius woman play mind games with her heart, she immediately releases herself from your grasp. Shes flirtatious and engaging. The primary purpose of ignoring him is to re-establish your value in his eyes. Believe me, thats a big deal. A multitude of characteristics, such as your fundamental value system, educational background, and capacity to vocalize your views, might influence the amount to which a couple can inspire each other cerebrally and connect on an intellectual level. Aquarius will stay alone in her personal space and talk to no one until she feels completely okay. Here are some tips on how to deal with Aquarius when they ignore you, per astrology. She appreciates someone who can take responsibility for their mistakes and stand up for themselves because an Aquarius woman finds cowardly behavior and the blame game to be quite off-putting, and she wont be interested in spending time with them. She will be able to express herself in this way without coming across as impolite or harsh, and it also serves to safeguard her from further harm. Are you wondering what is likely to happen? Give Her Some Time. If she despises your company, she will block you indefinitely. She will be interested to know what they think of you. RELATED: Aquarius Zodiac Sign Love & Compatibility & What Happens When Two Aquarians Date. Aquarius Woman In Marriage, What Its Like? You are easily overwhelmed in these moments, and when you're left alone with your thoughts, the guilt can consume you. That means that you would much rather choose honesty over lying any day of the week. You'll toss and turn all night long, and when you are actually able to fall asleep, all you can dream about is your guilt. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to. Once you know the root, please try your best to apologize. Her ego is as big as Leo and Taurus; hence, never expect to get any sign even subtle when she is in trouble. When Aquarius Woman Ignores You (with Top 5 Reasons). The free-spirited Aquarius only does things when they have some sort of motivation to do so. However, they do like the security of a relationship. An intellectual Aquarius will be much more willing to participate than cut their losses. Certain behaviors, such as ignoring her, will be taken extremely seriously and very negatively by your Aquarius woman. Being friends allows you to get to know someone for who they are and learn things about them that you would not have learned otherwise. 2. 2.1 She will test you with her stubbornness; 2.2 She tests you with her avoidance to commitment; 2.3 She will test you with her rebelliousness; 2.4 She tests you by being hard to understand emotionally; 2.5 She tests you with her impatience; 2.6 She will test you with her know-it-all approach One of the most positive repercussions of this action can be that he doesnt take you for granted any longer as you are not around as much as you once were. Sometimes its hard to tell if Aquarius is blatantly ignoring you or simply distracted with other pursuits. She is the wild child of the zodiac and very free-spirited, so it implies that she is unable to adopt a submissive attitude. There must be a reason why Aquarius woman is unpredictable. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think. Heres how to spot the signs an Aquarius woman likes you. By Jacqueline Tempera. Instead of getting their attention, they will completely drift apart from you and will date someone else. She only prefers interacting with those sharing the same intellectual level and able to stimulate her mind. Sometimes a gentle nudge is all it takes to get their attention back. Aquarians are one of the most honest and forthright of all the signs in the Zodiac. Aquarius display a lack of interest in you and stop saying the things they used to once they're done with you. Actually if you really understand this woman, you will realize that she is quite an interesting girl. But to let go of feelings of guilt, it's important to know how your zodiac sign acts when feeling guilty about something, according to astrology, so that you can be more honest and take care of yourself. Aquarius. Signs To Know When an Aquarius Woman is Done With You. Havent she best friend as erratic as the clouds subtle signs quietly you! 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Dr Jeff Age, Articles H