When we were kids on the playground and an angry dispute ensued, someone would always shout "majority rules." And we'd vote. Past proposals for change by constitutional amendment have included various reform options and direct popular election, which would eliminate the Electoral College system, but no substantive action on this issue, has been taken in Congress for more than 20 years. Republicans won the 2004 election, but the Electoral College actually gave the Democrats a boost. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. After three disputed Presidential elections in just 20 years, it's time for Congress to abolish the Electoral College. The alternative systems are the district plan and the proportional plan. The district plan is the one that Maine and Nebraska use now. It authorizes each state to appoint, by whatever means the legislature chooses, a number of electors equal to the combined total of its Senate and House of Representatives delegations, for a contemporary total of 538, including 3 electors for the District of Columbia. There is no need to worry about the excesses of majority rule. The College is also a brilliant alternative to runoff elections. Its as simple as that! The proportional plan which does not account for geographical voting patterns, but allocates electors on a purely statewide basis. (Neale 5 CRS) was voted on in Colorado in 2004 and did not pass. The Electoral College is a terrible system designed for electing the president of the United States. First, the Electoral College is felt to be an outdated system which is no longer necessary for our elections (The Electoral College). The immense moral authority of the White House must be used to. According to Civis Analytics poll, 62 percent of the people that voted in the 2016 election would like to abolish the Electoral College. The electoral college is a group of people chosen by every state who officially elects the president and vice president of the united states. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. If you use part of this page in your own work, you need to provide a citation, as follows: Essay Sauce, Should we abolish the Electoral College?. Maine and Nebraska use an alternative method, the district system, which awards two electors to the popular vote winners statewide, and one to the popular vote winners in each congressional district. We all know the answer. Clinton, who clearly despised Trump, graciously conceded the election on Election Night. ValueWalk also contains archives of famous investors, and features many investor resource pages. In fact, the election of 2020 still isnt over even though Joe Biden received more than six million votes than Donald Trump, as well as 72 more electoral votes. Instead, the delegates settled on a system involving an Electoral College. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2012/06/20/duvergers-law-is-dead/, [13] Constitutional Convention quotations are from Madisons Notes; https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/1909#Elliot_1314-05_2172, [14] https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-college/faq.html#changes, [15] Actually, the Electoral College Was a Pro-Slavery Ploy by Akhil Reed Amar, The New York Times, 6 Apr 2019, Why India Needs the Presidential System [Book]. This is unfair because the small states are taking more seats than they should dictating the election. Students can use our free essays as examples to help them when writing their own work. As many people think, every four years Americans vote to elect their president. var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9999 - 0 + 1) + 0); I am not alone in holding. Will you do the same? 0 . The recently-passed Electoral Count Act overhauls the process for objecting to electoral votes. It was also a savvy compromise. Who is the Real Architect of India's Constitution, Nehru or Ambedkar? Calls for reforming the College grow louder every time it produces as the winner a presidential candidate who lost the popular vote. "The main complaints against the Electoral College are that it can elect someone who didn't win the nationwide popular vote and that it causes candidates to campaign heavily in 'battleground states' while ignoring those they think they are certain to carry or not. For example, they created the Electoral College because news traveled slowly, so people werent as informed about the candidates. How Do Bacteria Become Resistant Answer Key; Peds Exam 1 - Professor Lewis, Pediatric Exam 1 Notes; MKT 2080 - Chapter 2 Essay; Chapter 8 Practice; Many rural communities feared that if the vote was counted through a popular vote system that they would equal representation as urban communities would have. The main complaints against the Electoral College are that it can elect someone who didnt win the nationwide popular vote and that it causes candidates to campaign heavily in battleground states while ignoring those they think they are certain to carry or not. We won't send you spam. The College was devised to quell fears of parochialism in the selection of the President. Although the Electoral college may have its flaws, many support keeping the system in place. Abolish Electoral College Essay. For starters, direct elections by voters can create incentives for broad public participation. The brightest students know that the best way to learn is by example! The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Abraham Lincoln received only 40% of the popular vote in 1860but 59% of the Electoral College. Tyler Lewis says that one of the problems with the Electoral College is "The distribution of Electoral College votes per state is not equally dispersed.". However, despite its faults, as a system is has a foundation conducive to reform rather than abolition. Each state holds an election for the popular vote. The political party who's slate gets the most votes then controls all of the state's Electoral College votes. In 2020, the Electoral College began showing its stuff in March, when Joe Biden, who had done poorly in early primaries, suddenly emerged from a pack of far more vivid candidates to become the presumptive Democratic nominee. Abolish The Electoral College And Replace It With National Popular Vote, Please speak to a licensed financial professional, DAX Index is back above its 200-day average after surging, Palo Alto Networks On Track For 52-Week High. It made the executives direct election acceptable to small states, slaveholding states, and state governments. They did not trust that voters would have enough information to make a good choice. Abolishing the electoral college is not only the wrong choice to make it will also have disadvantageous consequences for the USA. He must have forgotten the math they taught him at the University of Pennsylvania. We saw this happen in the 2016 election with Donald J. Trump losing the Popular vote but won the Electoral vote and thus the 2016 election. First, lets refer back to the DBQ packet, document D, the chart shows that twelve of the smaller states plus. Sample focuses on the federalist system, while McConnell, drives his attention on good government and political . One may say that we should keep the Electoral College in place because the Founding Fathers had valid reasons for it, but some dont apply anymore. (04.02 MC) Which of the following is a key belief of a supply-side approach to economic and fiscal policy? Campaigns would focus on large, voter-rich metropolitan areas and media markets, and on appeals to national demographic and occupational groups. Albert Gore accepted the result, even though he had won the popular vote by 540,000. A national popular election in 2020 would have made our problems immeasurably worse. It cant solve our problems on its own, but has given us a measure of stability to try for ourselves. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. All of our essays are donated in exchange for a free plagiarism scan on one of our partner sites. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. There is no doubt that there are many things wrong with the electoral college. The method was ultimately settled in the last days by the 11-member Brearly Committee, which proposed election by special Electors chosen by the state legislatures. Parliamentary Vs. Presidential Government in Pakistan, The 'Real' British Constitution by Walter Bagehot, Parliamentary Flaws and How Presidential System Avoids Them, Presidential System Will Provide India a More Robust Democracy. My stance to abolish the Electoral College has drawn some ire. After tracing the Electoral College's tangled origins at the Constitutional Convention, he explores the efforts from 1800 to 2020 to abolish or significantly reform it, showing why each has failed. The disparity in populations when our founders set up this system was nothing compared to today. Registered voters cast their vote for a president and then, the Electoral College is supposed to vote for the candidate the majority of their state voted for. Furthermore, Neale gave a detailed description of the General Ticket system and other alternative systems that give the audience a full spectrum of the Electoral College process. 1030L Answer Key 309 views Dec 3, 2020 4 Dislike Share Save Vaporly 247 subscribers This one I completed a while. But every voter should be counted the same, regardless of where he or she lives. var jo = document.createElement('script'); In this extraordinarily strange election year, debating the Electoral College . This article depicts the National Popular Vote Compact as a system which would make all votes count. While not formally one of the national political institutions, political parties today are nonetheless major players in both national and state politics. They were also working to balance the needs of small and large states, as well as slave and free states. Professor of History and Social Policy at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government. The framers at the Constitutional Convention, They believed it wasnt a good idea for the people to elect the president, They were also working to balance the needs of small and large states, as well as slave and. Mr. Bidens opponents soon abandoned their campaigns. EssaySauce.com is a completely free resource for students. Without the College, a candidate could win the Presidency by focusing on just a few large states, or by making populist promises harmful to Americas federalism. These are certainly problems, but all election systems have problems, national popular vote included. . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Alexander Keyssar explains its persistence. In 2000, and again in 2020, the outcomes of elections resulted in Constitutional crises. Since the beginning of the millennium we have had five presidential elections. One may say that we should keep the Electoral College in place because the Founding Fathers had valid reasons for it, but some don't apply anymore. The electors cast separate ballots for President and Vice President, after which the Electoral College ceases to exist until the next presidential election. Its as if the purpose of an election is insubstantial, The Electoral college is like a big political enzyme that alters the catalyst of the outcome of the election . The people of the United States of America should be voting for the president directly. Together with our house of representatives in the lower chamber it rules across the land as a bicameral legislature. Save it to your desktop, read it on your tablet, or print it out to read anywhere! Two Presidential elections (1800 and 1824) have been decided in the House. If the Electoral College doesnt produce a majority winner, the election of the president goes to the House of Representatives where each state casts a single vote. Will himself left the party for this actual reason in 2016. This page of the essay has 1,601 words. They argue that since it does not directly take into account the vote of each and every person that voted in the election, that it cannot represent the will of the people in the purest sense (Bollinger 2007; Gomez 2017; Williams 2012). Now, with an aspiring autocrat refusing to give up his presidency even after a clear-cut electoral defeat, our democratic form of government is being degraded, if not entirely destroyed. Seventy percent of Americans between the ages of 18-29 said that the president should be chosen through a popular vote model, while just 56 percent of those over the age of 65 agreed. The Electoral College is unfair and should be . Despite sharp polarization of the parties on many issues in 21 st century politics, Republicans and Democrats broadly agree on both longstanding election reform proposals. The electoral "college" is an example. Party elders, led by Barack Obama, realized the key to the general election would be moderate suburban voters, including Trump-weary Republicansmany of whom were terrified of Bernie Sanderss socialism and Elizabeth Warrens economic populism. Was the Electoral College abolished? In 2016, although the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, received almost three million more votes than Donald Trump, the Republican, Trump received 306 electoral votes to Clintons 234 a victory Trump termed a landslide.. A majority of Americans believe the Electoral College should be eliminated. On November 8th, 2016 Donald Trump was elected president because the Electoral College voted for him. They have long provided what may be, Which of these correctly compares the libertarian and conservative ideals of a model economy? F- It is Unfair Doc. Yes. The federal government would have to regulate voter and candidate qualifications, voting requirements and election procedures. 2011-2023 VALUEWALK LLC. Ask an Expert. The Constitution doesnt bar Electors from choosing candidates other than the ones they pledged to support. Clearly, whoever won Floridas 25 electoral votes would win the election. It Disincentivizes Voting The majority of Americans do not live in swing states, they live in states that are safely either Democratic or Republican. Both McConnell and Sample believe that the Electoral College is significant because it makes sure that the states count in presidential elections. Let's get to 100! Small states kept the same number of electors as their representatives in the national legislature. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. What It Would (Really) Take to Abolish the Electoral College Ryan Bort March 19, 2019, 5:04 PM In 2016, Americans cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton by a margin of close to three million. 32 minutes and 09 seconds. Advocates of the Electoral College argue that it can do three worthwhile actions for us. This article tries to answer the question of whether or not a popular vote would be better able to represent the will of the people more accurately and fairly. Created to protect the slave states, it is championed now by conservatives who fear the power of America 's true majority. It is these officials who choose the President and Vice President of the United States. Those ratings help inform our state-by-state assessments of the delegations. Steve Slavin has a Ph.D. in economics from NYU, and has written twenty math and economics books, including The Great American Economy: How Inefficiency Broke It, and What We Can Do to Fix it. The 12th edition of his introductory economics text came out in September. When the Electoral College was almost abolished? Neale gives a complete assessment of the plans that describes examples of how each plan works. 280 Words | 2 Pages. It's time to ditch the antiquated. Legitimacy for any elected official is an important factor for governance of a State. By: Emilee Delap Doc. It is a process and not an actual place. But does anyone still believe it is a great idea for our politics? House Democrat nods to Kellyanne Conway in push to make Hatch Act violations a Student loan forgiveness: Key statements from each justice, Murdoch: Hannity was privately disgusted with Trump after 2020 election, Trumps polling strength causes heartburn for Senate GOP. He is now a vice president at the Aspen Institute and a senior fellow with the Bipartisan Policy Center. Thanks to Donald Trump, what was once the relic of our system is now an active threat to the future of our democracy. In September 28, 2004, Thomas H. Neale wrote an article called The Electoral College: How It Works in Contemporary Presidential Elections for the Congressional Research Service. Why is that a big deal? The closest Congress has come to amending the Electoral College since 1804 was in the late 1960s when the House passed a resolution eliminating the College altogether and replacing it with direct election and a runoff election if no candidate received more than 40% of the vote. - Albert Einstein. With the Electoral College, the value of a vote depends on what state a person lives in. Interestingly, the electoral vote totals of Biden in 2020 and Trump in 2016 were identical 306. The 2016 presidential election has sparked an unprecedented interest in the Electoral College. It frequently bestows a broad-based majority mandate on a candidate who has won only a plurality of the national popular vote, which is particularly important in messy elections with three or more candidates. When every ballot is counted in the same way, then the winner becomes easier to declare. However, nowadays registered voters can get their news instantly, thus are informed about the candidates. Despite the new law, some still think the Electoral College is outdated and should be abolished in favor of a national popular vote system. Find out what to do if this happens here. President Donald Trump won the election in 2016 through the. And state governments retained the power to appoint the electors. Breitbart reported: He called the U.S. system of providing equal representation to Americans across the country in the presidential election, "one of those bad compromises we made at day one in this country." For example, they created the Electoral College because news traveled slowly, so people weren't . The Electoral College does empower rural states. 1145 Words | 5 Pages. The Electoral College consists of electors in each state that cast their votes for the president based on how their constituents voted in the general election. Steve Slavin - Nov 23, 2020, 2:52 pm. including in the 2000 and 2016 elections. Both sides agreed to let the U.S. Supreme Court settle the outcome once and for all. What Would Gandhi Think of Our Constitution? This makes the candidates focus on swing states needs more than other states in order to win the election. You can view ourterms of use here. Opponents of the College admit that yes, at one point in time, the Electoral College was a necessary component in electing the President of the Union. This hour -- the history of the electoral system and what should replace it. The demand to abolish the electoral college in favor of a one-man-one-vote nationwide election is au courant but misbegotten. Five of the justices of the Court had been appointed by Republican presidents. Almost 50 percent of Americans polled want to abolish the Electoral College, according to data from an Economist /YouGov poll published on Wednesday. Let's Abolish the Electoral College . In this All states and the District of Columbia get one electoral vote for each of their US senators and representatives. Is Iran ready to build a nuclear bomb or not? My stance to abolish the Electoral College has drawn some ire. This petition starter stood up and took action. The Electoral College has failed to push parties to form broad coalitions. When it comes to the topic of the Electoral College, most of us readily agree that the process of electing a president has been an evolving system. This not only brings federal attention to each state, but provides a fillip to Americas diversity. Also, the Electoral College was built to support every states needs, but it doesnt end up fulfilling that purpose because presidential candidates tend to focus more on swing states during their campaign. With the exceptions of Nebraska and Maine, where electors are, awarded according to congressional district, each state's electoral votes are awarded in a winner-take-all, Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution. This hour, we look at the Electoral College, its history . Clearly, we need to drastically change the way we elect presidents. Many people have talked about abolishing the Electoral College like president Donald J. Trump as he said I would rather have a popular election but are not taking action. Download the full version above. These issues still affect out modern day political sphere. Having a majority determine the winner of our presidential elections can moderate both parties considerably. Clarence Thomas was appointed by the Bush brothers father, President George H.W. It preserved states rights, increased the independence of the executive branch, and avoided the danger of provincialism involved in popular election. It is beyond dispute that our system to elect presidents is no longer working. Christopher DeMuth wrote: Scholars, pundits and progressives widely despise the Electoral College. The Electoral College is essential if we are to preserve our American ideals and the Constitutional form of government that has served us so well for so long. Should Electoral College Be Abolished. Without it, the small and sparsely populated states that make up most of the country would be ignored by presidential candidates. Compare and contrast Sample's and McConnell's views about the Electoral College. A party system was instituted really to fulfill that old function of the Electoral College's, which is to narrow people down and get responsible people to be candidates for the presidency. Since 1964 the has been 538 electors in . The Electoral. Get Our Activist Investing Case Study! Instead we . Candidates would need to travel everywhere instead of only to a handful of swing states that currently enjoy this attention. Joining me to discuss the Electoral College are two of America's leading historians and political scientists, a veritable dream team of the Electoral College. Out of these concerns came the decision that the president would be elected indirectly. But do they really? (4 points) Libertarian Conservative A) No regulation Moderate regulation B) Government management of the, 5. Quote Reply Topic: Let's abolish the Electoral College Posted: 11 February 2008 at 7:20pm: Let's abolish the Electoral College. But Trumps ushering in of an ultraconservative minority-rule presidency, and the threat that he would do it again in 2024, has established Electoral College reform as a serious progressive issueespecially following the Capitol Hill insurrection., The Electoral College Saved the Election [By Christopher DeMuth; January 8, 2021][10]. The College delivers a Chief Executive vetted not just by the people of every state but also by their state governments. The Electoral College is a favorite punching bag for those who think America should be a more majoritarian country. This has heightened calls to abolish what some say is an antiquated system of electors. Neale provides his audience with the origin and purpose of the Electoral College system. Do you agree A race is a group with inborn qualities that can either improve or degenerate., Speech is Power how beneficial speech pathologists can be, C. maculatus prefers smaller sized beans for oviposition. The January 6 committee could have called on Congress to begin the process of amending the Constitution to abolish the Electoral College, while at the same time recognizing the difficulties . New York: Walker Publishing. Therefore, they are not focusing on the needs of the people all over America which is going against what the founding fathers wanted. But does anyone still believe it is a great idea for our politics? The Electoral College voting system goes against republicanism as it contradicts the belief that citizens have the ability to directly choose their leaders. When Americans vote for a President and Vice President, they are actually choosing presidential electors, known collectively as the Electoral College. The Electoral College system was started to keep urban communities as well as cities from having the power in the Presidential election. Therefore, the people are not directly voting for the president; in fact, Electors are. A voter in Wyoming has nearly four times more influence than a voter in California. LET'S ABOLISH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE Are the people smart enough to choose their own leader? Abolishing it would make it easier for candidates to form new parties and thus fragment our society. But the the closest Congress has come to amending the Electoral College since came in 1969, when a proposal for direct popular election of the president, with a runoff if no candidate got more. Unsubscribe at any time. Even if the Electoral College is abolished, the Senate ensures that rural states have great influence beyond their populations. In fact, he maintains without any proof -- that the election was rigged, while making an all-out effort to deny the will of the electorate. The Constitutional crisis was finally over. Clinton, who clearly despised Trump, graciously conceded the election on Election Night. Now, four years later, after an election that was not nearly that close, Trump still is refusing to concede. Instead, it's a product of the 12th Amendment - put in place after the 1800 contest between Jefferson and Burr . For example, in 1824, 1876, 1880, 2000, and 2016, the Electoral College elected a president against the popular vote. The Electoral College we have today isn't the one in the original Constitution. The Green New Deal the electoral college should be abolished jessica ponik civics block march 19, 2019 couple of years after the united states was established, Skip to document. In 2020, when Joe Biden won the popular vote nationally by 6 million votes, Donald Trump tried to steal the Electoral College through baseless accusations of fraud and attempts to intimidate key Secretaries of State. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Could the BJP adopt the Presidential System? Please sign this petition to pressure the government to change the process of our presidential election to a popular vote. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. However, technology has made it so that the information . These Politics essays have been submitted to us by students in order to help you with your studies. It empowers rural states, allows presidential candidates to moderate their views to form broad. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And because states want to maximize their influence in selecting the president, they also have a strong incentive to use a winner-take-all approach to awarding electors, which all but two states currently do. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Electoral College is, essentially, a vestigial structure a leftover from a bygone era in which the founders specifically did not want a nationwide vote of the American people to choose . Everyones vote counts as much as everyone elses. In fact, the problems it would cause became quite evident as early as the election of 1800, and were repeated in 1824 and 1876. After more than a month of acrimonious counting and recounting, Bush emerged with a winning margin of 571 votes out of more than 5.4 million votes cast. Twitter launches Violent Speech Policy with zero tolerance for severe Watch live: White House monkeypox response team holds briefing, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. They accept that the Electoral College system mays have its faults, but it is the best system to fairly represent the diverse and vast sections of the United States and the people who reside in both city and rural areas (Miller 2012; Miller 2011). * This essay may have been previously published on Essay.uk.com at an earlier date. Last week, we released our initial House ratings for 2024. Laura Thompson wrote, The case against the Electoral College is straightforward: Because states are allocated electors based on the size of their congressional delegations, those with smaller populations have an outsize influence on presidential elections. jo.src = 'https://www.financialjuice.com/widgets/voice-player.js?mode=inline&display=1&container=FJ-voice-news-player&info=valuewalk&r=' + r; Subscribe to ValueWalk Newsletter. [14] The Electoral College is the devil we know, wrote Yale constitutional scholar Akhil Reed Amar. The Electoral College is a antiquated voting system, slipped into the U.S. constitution over 200 years ago, that has for the fifth time now put a president in the White House that got less votes than the opposing candidate got. And the other is power after Trump. The framers struggled for months considering the alternatives: direct election; legislative choice; gubernatorial election; even lottery. 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