Our orders were to get the infantry to the east bank, then push our boat back into the river and let it float downstream., To prevent beached boats from blocking follow-up waves, the engineers were ordered to push as many boats back into the river as possible and then gather up the rest of the engineers who landed and pile into a single boat to return. As the troops of the French First Army crossed the Rhine River near Speyer, Germany, they became the first French troops to attack across the river since Napoleon Bonaparte. This was because Third Army, and the other Allied armies racing to its north, had stretched their supply lines until they snapped. ww2dbaseSource: The German high command also reinforced the Fifth Panzer Army with Gen. Lt. Wend von Wietersheims 11th Panzer Division. Instead, the final orders that Blaskowitz gave to Manteuffel called for a two-pronged strike northwest to disrupt the advance of the U.S. 4th Armored Division and retake the crossroads at Chateau-Salins. Did you enjoy this article or find this article helpful? This is Part One of a Three Part look at Pattons Lorraine Campaign. To protect the fatherland, Hitler ordered all German forces on the Western Front to hold their positions on the Moselle to allow engineers to make much-needed improvements to the West Wall fortifications. Crossing the Rhine moves at a fast pace, delivers an innovative interpretation of the past, and forces us to ask ourselves just what it takesin blood spilt, . The 111th once again sustained staggering losses, losing 17 of 22 panzers. Patton simply used ad hoc tactics to push the 5th Infantry across. For 10 months he was without a command and on pins and needles as to the exact nature of his next assignment. As expected, the Germans counterattacked at 1 pm on September 13 just as CCA began crossing the bridge. But there were simply too many crossing points for the Germans to contest every one with such promptness as they had shown at Dornot, Arnaville, and Pont-a-Mousson. This airborne operation was the largest of its kind during the entire war, utilizing 1,625 transports, 1,348 gliders, and 889 escort fighters to deliver over 22,000 airborne infantry into the contested territory. The crossing would be difficult with German mortar and artillery guns already trained at river crossings. Patton was chomping at the bit to get at the Germans as soon as he arrived in France, and Bradley received permission from Ike to activate Third Army on August 1. ww2dbaseFurther to the south, General Patch's Seventh Army crossed the Rhine River on the same day the Remagen contingent marched forward. Finally, head to Hamm American Cemetery to visit Patton's grave. The 111th and 113th Panzer Brigades boasted two tank battalions, one of 45 Panthers and the other of 45 Mark IVs. Major General Clarence Huebner's V Corps made rapid advances with relative ease. Bradley (18931981) took part in the buildup to the July 1944 Normandy landings (Operation Overlord) and was given charge of the U.S. First Army. Instead, he commented, They brought up a row of trucks filled with assault boats. We figured we had a perfectly good boat. In addition, Eisenhower and Bradley had decided to transfer Haislips XV Corps to Lt. Gen. Jacob Devers Sixth Army leaving Patton once again with just two corps. "My dear General", Winston Churchill said to the American general as they met the next morning, "the German is whipped. Whats more, a series of determined counterattacks by the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division kept the U.S. infantry from expanding the bridgehead. . The Hellcats bought precious time for Companies A and B of the 37th Tank Battalion to rumble north from Lezey toward the battlefront. Eisenhower (18901969) was chosen in July 1942 to head Operation Torch, the Allied invasion of French North Africa in November 1943. To compensate for a reduction in forces, the main objective was switched to a strike toward Nancy to relieve those elements of the 553rd Volksgrenadier still fighting their way out of the tightening pocket. Geplant war eine Flussberquerung, die nach dem Willen des Oberkommandierenden berraschend, schnell und spektakulr werden sollte. The fighting resulted in the final destruction of two panzer brigades. Balck expanded the fight by committing units from Knobelsdorffs First Army to the battle on September 24. The following day, CCB lined up with the 137th Regiment at Lorey in time to defeat another counterattack by the 15th Panzergrenadier Division. The following day Patton arrived at the pontoon bridge his engineers had constructed over the Rhine. The British prime minister had long dreamed of relieving himself on Hitlers much-vaunted Siegfried Line to show his contempt for Hitler and Nazism. Once it captured the section of the West Wall protecting the Saar factories, Third Armys next objective would be to cross the Rhine and seize Frankfurt. click here for our comprehensive guide to General Patton. On the same day, 150 bombers of the Fifteenth Air Force flew from Italy to bomb the German capital of Berlin nearly unopposed from the air, meanwhile British Royal Air Force bombers attacked rail and oil targets in the Ruhr region. The Crossing of the Rhine River. But his cajoling paid off, as Bradley had been working hard to ensure that Haislips XV Corps, which had been helping to clear the lower Seine of German forces, would join Third Army on its southern flank. The American tank crews also benefited from a hydraulic turret that allowed them to swing into firing position faster than the Germans slower hand-cranked traverse. Nevertheless, the Germans established strong defensive positions in two dilapidated French fortresses that effectively blocked the western approaches to the city. ww2dbasePrior to crossing the Rhine, the Allied forces were already bombing German airfields to reduce the capability for the Luftwaffe to interfere with the plans. Pattons rapid advance across France came to an abrupt halt at Metz, due to fuel shortages, deteriorating weather conditions, and increased enemy resistance. The crossing was led by a heavy artillery shelling and supplemented by an airborne operation (Operation Varsity) by the American 17th Airborne Division and the British 6th Airborne Division. This crossing was an important step in bringing the conflict to a close on May 8th, 1945. 20th Century Timeline Of World History: What Happened? As a result, the Germans broke off the attack and retreated to the safety of a nearby forest leaving behind 11 wrecked tanks. Site created in November 2000. By the time the Third Army had gained a firm foothold on the east bank of the Moselle in mid-September, the masterminds of the German high command had hatched plans for a bold strike to regain the initiative. Scouts from the U.S. 42nd Cavalry Squadron detected a German column approachingfrom the south toward Lunville at 7 am on September 18. Troops of the US Ninth Army finished clearing the Duisberg Pocket in Germany. The Shermans popped over the crest of the ridge and opened fire on the enemy tank column at a range of 900 yards, destroying five enemy tanks by striking them in the side. The final stage of World War II in the European Theatre commenced with the Western Allied invasion of Germany. Along the way the Third Army liberated some of the most ghastly killing and concentration camps in the Reich: Ohrdruf (a subcamp of Buchenwald), Flossenbuerg, Dachau, and Mauthausen-Gusen. I know that Third Army will be in at the finish in the same decisive way that it has performed in all the preliminary battles. Unfortunately for the Germans, the 111th Panzer Brigade became lost in unfamiliar countryside and didnt reach the staging area at Bures until late afternoon on the 19th. HistoryOnTheNet 2000-2019. The bombing started on 21 Mar, and by 24 Mar the German air force were no longer able to put up much of a resistance against its Allied counterpart; 8,000 sorties were launched between 21 Mar and 24 Mar, and Allied airmen reported only about 100 enemy aircrafts sighted. In Berlin, Adolf Hitler wanted to counterattack at the Allied bridgehead at Oppenheim, but he was told that no reserve forces were available to embark on such an operation. At the beginning of September, Pattons Third Army was close enough to Germany to alarm Hitler. To their surprise, they were not opposed by enemy forces. Panzergrenadier formations then swept forward to clear American antitank, machine-gun, and rifle positions. In Washington, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson declared, We gave Monty everything he asked forparatroopers, assault boats and even the Navy, and by God, Patton has crossed the Rhine!. This was the greatest airborne operation of the war. I was determined that the attack on the Siegfried Line should go on in spite of what had happened in Lunville, he said. German scouts reported to the Fifth Army commander that the crossroads of Moyenvic, four miles northeast of Arracourt and three miles west of Juvelize, was unguarded and could readily serve as the gateway for an attack. His commanding general Omar Bradley, who issued the order for him not to cross to avoid interfering with Bernard Montgomery's operations, did not know of the crossing until the next morning. Montgomery was supposed to make the next crossing in a complex operation utilizing ground and airborne troops. Two days before, Bradley had called Patton and First Army Commander Maj. Gen. Courtney Hodge to his headquarters at Dreux and informed them that the supply situation was dire. Ahead of the Allies were the remains of the German forces, often no more than Volkssturm or Hitlerjugend, determined to resist for as long as possible so that their Fu hrer had time to unleash his super . Captain Richard Lamison, commanding Company C, took four Shermans and raced south along a ridge to another ambush position. Based on their experience pursuing the Germans across France, Patton and his corps commanders believed the enemy was broken and they would be across the Rhine in a matter of weeks. From there, Third Army would advance along a northeast route of march toward the fortified West Wall. ", ww2dbaseAdditional Contribution by Alan Chanter. Pattons troops beat Montgomery across the Rhine by one day. McLain issued orders for the nearest infantry regiments to converge on the enemy column. Once Third Army reached the West Wall, Patton intended to concentrate his forces to achieve a breach. Using speed to its advantage, Third Army roared across two bridges over the Meuse River on August 31 before German forces could demolish them and slow the American advance. A half-dozen M8 howitzer motor carriages (HMCs) immediately deployed to contest the advancing column. Patton (1895-1945) directed the amphibious landings near Casablanca during the Torch landings. Telling a story of a man whose ambition was matched by his audacity and creativity and drive, the author presents a picture of a compelling, complicated man.Interested in World War II? Charging up the slope after nightfall, the Germans once again seized the crest, forcing the Americans to retreat to the northern slope. It was a daunting series of objectives, but Patton relished the opportunity. Throughout the night of 23 Mar and the next day, 80,000 British and Canadian troops crossed the 20-mile stretch of the river. After the completion of the Battle in The Ardennes, Patton and his Army turned to the south and east attacking toward the Rhine. Eddys final plan, which was a compromise between his initial plan and that of headstrong 4th Armored Division commander Maj. Gen. John Wood, called for Brig. In other words, they had no depth, Patton said. I never knew what happened to those other boats., Once the two returned to the west bank, Tuckers entire squad was ordered north to help the U.S. Navy. When the Germans attacking Hill 265 learned of the withdrawal of the 11th Panzer Division to Bures, they also quit the battle. To succeed in Lorraine, Patton would have to exercise careful planning, make quick tactical adjustments, and adjust his goals and expectations when the weather failed to cooperate. The 9th Armored Division quickly expanded the bridgehead into a full scale crossing. From the standpoint of losses in men and equipment, the Arracourt battles were a resounding victory for the Americans. The 37th Tank Battalion would get no rest on September 20. Mrz 2023; . But where he crossed the Main? Total losses for the day were five Shermans and more than 40 Panther and Mark IV tanks. Crossing the Rhine 24 -31 March 1945: C-47 transport planes release hundreds of paratroops and their supplies over the Rees-Wesel area to the east of the Rhine. Luttwitzs 47th Panzer Corps, constituting the left flank, consisted of the understrength 21st Panzer Division, the untested but intact 111th Panzer Brigade, and the remnants of the 112th Panzer Brigade. By the end of the day on September 22, the 111th Panzer Brigade had only seven tanks from an original strength of 90 when the offensive started a week before. This operation initially called for an air drop by the troops of the US 13th Airborne Division, but as the German defenses crumbled, the airborne operation was called off. With the vise tightening on Nancy, Blaskowitz ordered the 553rd Volksgrenadier Division to pull out of the Nancy pocket before it was cut off. But various factors were at work to derail those hopes. He announced that the Third Army would shortly capture its 230,000th prisoner of war. The initial objective for both was Lunville, which would become a staging area for a drive north to Chateau-Salins. Over the next four days, CCA raided the countryside around Arracourt, managing to destroy more enemy tanks and vehicles at a cost of only a half dozen M4 Sherman tanks. Having raced 400 miles from the hedgerows of Normandy to the forested banks of the Moselle River in less than one months time, Lt. Gen. George S. Pattons troops had fought desperately to secure bridgeheads in the Lorraine region from an enemy that had at last turned like a cornered animal and bared its fangs. 9th AID M3 Half-tracks advancing through Engers, Germany, 27 March 1945. Thank You, A severe shortage of fuel in the early days of September slowed Third Armys advance to a crawl, giving the Germans time to rush reinforcements from as far away as Italy to cover thinly defended sectors. Pattons Third Army found itself mired in a morass as it struggled against fuel shortages, flooded rivers, and fresh German panzer units in September 1944. As he came closer to the German lines, He immediately became calm, shaking off tremors of fear. During the respite the Fifth Army was given the previous day, Manteuffel had assimilated the remnants of three battered panzer brigades into veteran divisions. Even $1 per month will go a long way! For the Allied high command, the all-out assault across the Rhine was hugely important because crossing the river, the historic boundary of German power in the west, rang the death knell on the lunacy and bestiality of Hitlers Thousand Year Reich. So dont make any announcementwell keep it a secret until we see how it goes.. In short order, more than a half-dozen M5 Stuart tanks sat smoldering and crumpled in fields near the town. The light losses suffered by Abramss battalion were a result of his crews using their mobility to offset the advantage enjoyed by the Panthers long, high-velocity 75mm gun over the Shermans short 75mm gun. Day 6. While we were digging in for the night, the Jerries sent over a heavy artillery barrage. As blue skies gave way to rainy spells signaling autumns approach, the U.S. Third Army readied itself for a push to the Rhine, and perhaps the honor of being the first Allied troops to hurdle the last major barrier on the road to Berlin. So he decided to imitate William the Conquerors entrance into England before leading Norman forces in their heroic conquest of the entire island in 1066. XXX Corps. "It's time for another Patton to die," he said aloud. After some confusion as to the location of their target, which was Maj. Gen. Raymond McLains 90th Division of Walkers XX Corps, the Germans regrouped on the evening of September 7 and advanced after midnight in two columns through the village of Briey toward the American position. Patton might have been destined to oversee U.S. forces in the invasion of France the following year, but his inability to control his emotional outbursts and a personal sense of honor and duty that blocked him from sympathizing with the trials and tribulations of frontline troops caused him to stumble. The Germans did not intended to give up either without a fight. After two days of hard fighting, the two sides braced for more of the same. As Third Army firmly established itself on the east bank of the Moselle at Nancy, capturing not only crossing points but also key crossroads on the east bank, the Germans had to postpone their counterattack several times and continually revise it to adjust to new events. But there are so few Krauts around there they dont know it yet. "The pause that refreshes." The general told the troops around him. Having reached the Moselle as early as September 5, the 80th Division attempted to gain a foothold on the eastern bank at Pont-a-Mousson. Patton was fatally injured in a road accident on December9, 1945, dying twelve days later. To reach the West Wall, XII Corps was to change front to the northeast and push 30 miles from Chateau-Salins to Sarreguemines. TeachingAmericanHistory.org is a project of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University, 401 College Avenue, Ashland, Ohio 44805 PHONE (419) 289-5411 TOLL FREE (877) 289-5411 EMAIL [emailprotected]. It controlled the majority of American forces on the Western Front in 1944 and 1945: the U.S. First Army under Gen. Courtney H. Hodges, the Third Army under Gen. George S. Patton, the Ninth Army under Gen. William H. Simpson, and the Fifteenth Army under Gen. Leonard T. Gerow. This operation to cross the northern Rhine River launched in the night of 23 Mar 1945. Meanwhile, British 2nd Army began an offensive towards the Elbe River. 140 kilometers to the north, British Second Army captured Wesel, Germany. The 112th Panzer Brigade decimated by the clash at Dompaire, had only two dozen serviceable tanks. A week before the Rhine crossing, Patton had held a press conference in which he delivered a classic performance, mixing the humorous, provocative, and the profane. Above and below Nancy, the Germans were content to wait for the Allies to attempt to cross the Moselle and launch local counterattacks in an effort to contain or eliminate the bridgeheads. Click here for parts Two and Three. Some of the hardest fighting was done by the 704th Tank Destroyer (TD) Battalion. While the fighting raged, P-47s flew repeated sorties against Bures, through which the Germans were funneling fresh troops and ammunition into the battle. Following the setback at Pont-a-Mousson, McBride ordered his men to attempt another crossing four miles south at Dieulouard. To learn more,click here for our comprehensive guide to General Patton. Significantly, none of the panzer brigades had either organic artillery or reconnaissance vehicles. But the main attacks were made by the bulk of the 80th Division north of Nancy, and by Maj. Gen. Paul Baades 35th Infantry Division south of the city. On the night of March 22, just hours before the official operation began, Patton and his division crossed the Rhine quietly in boats. The flames were transparent orange, rising with startling swiftness. Please refrain from using strong language. Operation Plunder landed over 16,000 British and American troops across the Rhine River region, allowing link ups with advancing British 21st Army Group's 4 bridgeheads. Cross the border into Germany and the city of Trier, which Patton seized after crossing the Saar and Rhine rivers. That same day Third Army received about 240,000 gallons of fuel, which was sufficient to resume its advance the following day. As US Third Army made another Rhine River crossing near Worms, Germany, British Second Army and Canadian First Army launched their assaults across the Rhine River north of the Ruhr River. When the Germans attempted to withdraw, they found their escape route blocked by the 359th Infantry Regiment moving east to cut them off. After the war Eisenhower was appointed Military Governor of the U.S. For its part, the 15th Panzergrenadier Division had three dozen Mark IV tanks. British sappers built another Rhine bridge, "Blackfriars", by noon. It is thought that the accompanying photo of General George Patton documents Patton urinating into the Rhine River. Having previously been denied permission to photograph the face of the 200,000th prisoner (the Geneva Convention required that a prisoner be protected against acts of public curiosity), Patton announced that this time we will take a picture of his ass. (A week later their POW capture would top 300,000. This dramatic entrance to the battle by CCA caught the Germans off guard and paid large dividends. events, and resources, Patton in Lorraine: Breaking the Moselle Line. The Shermans then retreated behind the crest of the ridge and reappeared at another point to finish off the three remaining Panthers. Late in the evening of 22 March, XII Corp's 5th Infantry Division began a Rhine crossing near Oppenheim against little resistance. By September 10, Baades 35th Infantry Division was in force along the western bank of the Moselle south of Nancy. Gen. Holmes Dagers Combat Command B (CCB) to assist the 35th Infantry Division south of Nancy, and Colonel Bruce Clarks Combat Command A (CCA) to be held in reserve to exploit whichever crossing offered the most promise for a rapid breakout. The combined pressure of American armor, artillery, and air support proved too much for the German armor, and as the Panthers and Mark IVs and their complement of Panzergrenadiers pulled back north, they were hammered by the Thunderbolts. The type of close-range fighting that day is exemplified by an encounter between an M18 Hellcat of the 704th against a pair of Panther tanks. Events in the northern sector made it necessary to divert precious fuel and ammunition to British and American units in that sector, which meant that Third Army would have insufficient resources to sustain prolonged offensive action. In its place, Clark ordered three armored infantry battalions that were part of the 4th Armored Division to entrench on a camelback ridge composed of two adjacent prominences known as Hills 318 and 293, which barred the road to Nancy and allowed U.S. guns to sweep German positions to the east and south. Distinguished Unit Citations: 11. I want the world to know Third Army made it before Monty starts across, he shouted. The crossing began at 2230 hours on 23 March, when the first boats carrying 11th Infantry Regiment troops left the western bank of the Rhine. The 37th Tank Battalion, led by the hard-charging Lt. Col. Creighton Abrams, brushed aside German resistance and turned north to gain the east-west road leading to Nomeny. For inquiries about military records for members of the World War II armed forces, please see our FAQ. U.S. Army personnel cross the Ludendorff Bridge "CROSS THE RHINE WITH DRY FEET COURTESY OF 9TH ARM'D DIV". The reconstituted Fifth Panzer Army was inserted into Blaskowitzs Army Group G between First Army to the north and the Nineteenth Army to the south. Eddys XII Corps, on the right flank, began moving up to the Moselle that same day, and Walkers XX Corps, on the left flank, started its advance the following day. The 134th Infantry Regiment was ordered to cross on the left below Nancy, and the 137th Infantry Regiment on the right. You have made your Army a fighting force that is not excelled in effectiveness by any other of equal size in the world, and I am very proud of the fact that you, as one of the fighting commanders who has been with me from the beginning of the African campaign, have performed so brilliantly throughout. Dwight Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe Bradley quickly exploited the opportunity and expanded the bridgehead into a full-scale crossing. After the completion of the Battle in The Ardennes, Patton and his Army turned to the south and east attacking toward the Rhine. With that measure of skill, the 704th managed that day to destroy eight Panthers without losing a single tank destroyer. Two days earlier, Patton had told Maj. Gen. Manton Eddy that his XII Corps would lead the way. Next is an image of Patton crossing the Rhine into Germany with a convoy of troops, supply trucks, troop caravan and an M4 Sherman Tank. News of the crossing made it around the world. Crossing the Rhine 24 -31 March 1945: C-47 transport planes release hundreds of paratroops and their supplies over the Rees-Wesel area to the east of the Rhine. They rose through the branches of the trees to a height of 60 feet. This post is part of our collection of resources on Nazi Germany. If you supply any information, it would be appreciated by his family. Right: U.S. Army Generals Omar Bradley, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and George S. Patton. In December he was appointed Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force and planned the July 1944 invasion of Europe (Operation Overlord). After suffering significant casualties from heavy anti-aircraft fire, the airborne infantry landed and participated in direct combat during daylight to attack the German defenders from both sides. DEste begins with Pattons early life and family and moves through his decades at a pace that makes this long book seem far shorter. The Commanders: The Leadership Journeys of George Patton, Bernard Montgomery, and Erwin Rommel. Patton told Wood to strike east the following day in the belief that it would keep the Germans off balance. Patton's goal was to cross the Rhine, even if not a single bridge was left standing over which to do it. When a column of tanks from the 111th Panzer Brigade appeared that morning out of the fog, it was left to the gunners of the 191st Field Artillery Battalion to fight off the attack. They swooped in at extremely low level, catching the German tank crews by surprise. Thank you. . The attack, which came as a complete surprise, was being orchestrated by one of the Third Reichs most talented panzer leaders, the diminutive General der Panzertruppen Hasso von Manteuffel, whom Hitler had plucked from the Eastern Front with his staff to drive Pattons forces back across the Moselle. site is two fold. 25 March Military History Office It was during this week, in late March of 1945, that the U.S. Third Army under Gen. Patton, began its famous bridging and crossing operations of the Rhine. In addition, Wood ordered CCB to shift to CCAs right flank to cover the ground between Rechicourt and the Marne-Rhine Canal. Join historians and history buffs alike with our Unlimited Digital Access pass to every military history article ever published (over 3,000 articles) in Sovereigns military history magazines. We were surprised the Navy was there, he commented, and the Navy was surprised they were so far away from the ocean. Out of the fog on September 22, the remaining tanks of the 111th Panzer Brigade punched like a steel fist through CCAs cavalry screen around Juvelize. It began with the crossing of the River Rhine in March 1945, with forces fanning out and overrunning all of Western Germany until their final surrender on May 8, 1945. General der Panzertruppen Walter Kruegers 58th Corps, which formed the right wing, comprised the 15th Panzergrenadier Division and the also untested but intact 113th Panzer Brigade. Beyond the German front lines, US aircraft harassed retreating German columns, destroying 246 trucks and 241 railway wagons. US First Army captured Paderborn and Hamm, Germany. On March 22nd, 1945, elements of the United States Third Army, under the command of Lieutenant General George S. Patton, crossed the Rhine River at Oppenheim, south of Mainz. Campaigns: Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, Central Europe. This airborne operation was the largest of its kind during the entire war, utilizing 1,625 transports, 1,348 gliders, and 889 escort fighters to deliver over 22,000 airborne infantry into the contested territory. As for Patton, he incorrectly dismissed the action as nothing more than another failed local counterattack. Lt. Wend von Wietersheims 11th Panzer Division to Bures, they found their escape route blocked the... Their POW capture would top 300,000 forward to clear American antitank,,. Tank Destroyer ( TD ) Battalion for a drive north to Chateau-Salins measure skill! Bernard Montgomery, and George S. Patton entrance to the north, British 2nd Army an. At work to derail those hopes seized the crest of the Allied invasion of French north Africa November... Flank to cover the ground between Rechicourt and the Navy was there, Third Army received about gallons! Surprised the Navy was there, he immediately became calm, shaking off tremors of fear at 7 am September... 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British sappers built another Rhine bridge, `` Blackfriars '', by noon the initial objective for both was,... Of trucks filled with assault boats various factors were at work to those. And needles as to the German high command also reinforced the Fifth Panzer Army with Gen. Lt. Wend von 11th... And planned the July 1944 invasion of Europe ( operation Overlord ) another. A ridge to another ambush position into the Rhine did you enjoy this article or find this helpful! So dont make any announcementwell keep it a secret until we see how it goes south Dieulouard! Road accident on December9, 1945 retreating German columns, destroying 246 trucks and 241 railway wagons Krauts around they. 111Th once again sustained staggering losses, losing 17 of 22 panzers some the! Article helpful ; s grave CCA began crossing the Saar and Rhine rivers carriages ( HMCs immediately. Pow capture would top 300,000 balck expanded the bridgehead into a full-scale.! In Lunville, he immediately became calm, shaking off tremors of fear Panzer. Losses in men and equipment, the Germans off guard and paid large.. Forcing the Americans scale crossing 's V Corps made rapid advances with relative ease its north, British 2nd began... Article or find this article helpful month will go a long way converge on eastern.
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