If given enough space and proper care, apple snails can reach softball-size proportions. These amphibious tank mates dont tend to produce much waste. If you were to start with 10 shrimp, after about a month, you might have more shrimp than water in the betta tank! Red Cherry shrimp are one of these types, and Ghost shrimp are another type that survives fairly well in a bettas aquarium. You need to read on the subject beforehand, as the girls can sometimes be just as feisty as the boys. WebZebra Loaches seem to prefer subdued lighting that replicates their natural habitat. Zebra Loaches prefer water temperatures between 70 to 79 Degrees Fahrenheit and a typical pH with 6.0 to 7.5. Zebra Loach (Botia Striata) zebra loach. That is not something you want your betta to experience! Make sure you give these candy stripe loaches plenty of hiding spaces. This is fortunate for the Ghost shrimp as that constant camouflage makes them harder to spot by an overly ambitious betta fish. Another drawback to breeding Zebra Loaches at home is the inability to have access to hormonal therapies and equipment that commercial breeders use. Resisting frequent glances at the mazy, unusually beautiful, and sharply sticking out stripes and body coloration of Zebra Loaches is almost like an enterprise. They are schooling fish, meaning that they should be kept in groups of at least five individuals in order to remain healthy and happy. The final call on whether or not tank mates are a good decision in your given situation remains only your own. Contrary to other freshwater fish species, telling their genders apart is quite demanding. WebMost aquarists recommend keeping a group of around 6 to 9 Gold Zebra Loaches in a single tank. It should be fine if you add seven to 10 Blue tetras. Also, there are multiple compatible tank mates for Bettas. Otherwise, theyll be too big. Contests including the Tank of the Month, However, it should not be too large to look like an open space. So, do these aggressive fish need a companion in a captive situation? Anyway, keep that in mind when considering your aquariums size. But with time, the increasing pollution surrounding their habitat and constant deforestation have left Botia species in a much smaller quantity. Below, well talk about the 50 best tank mates for Betta fish, both female, and male. Zebra Loaches are used to different types of environments in the wild, but you should know what they need to thrive. These fish will take after their other common name and act as Siamese fighting fish. Unless you are truly sadistic, dont think about choosing any of the following as tank mates for your betta fishy. They are tropical aquarium fish species that live in water You can always go for artificial plants. You can also try out other species like Sparkling Gourami and Celestial Pearl Danio. After this, all you can do is wait for the female to lay eggs. Otherwise, they breed very easily and can take over the tank. Well talk about them more below. I don't know many loaches to be aggresive. Dwarf Crayfish are small peaceful shrimps that can keep company with your Betta fish, as long as there are many hiding spaces for them. However, other bettas wont tolerate intruders and are happiest kept alone. Thank you for sticking around until the end. Some people see this as a profitable problem to have as you can certainly sell the shrimp if you find you have a market for them. A convenient feature of the White Cloud Mountain minnow is that they share similar tastes for the temperature of the aquarium as a betta fish does. He has worked on making aquarium and pond keeping approachable. Along with the unique and cool appearance, Kuhli Loach can be a good friend of your adorable pet Betta fish. Moreover, this peaceful eel-shaped fish is also a great tank cleaner. The size of this fish is 3 (7.62 cm) which is a little bit similar to a medium-sized Betta fish that is 2.5 (6.35 cm). Otherwise, these fish could hurt their whiskers. They eat algae and are compatible with one Betta fish. WebCele mai comune dou specii din comerul acvariului sunt, Red Ramshorn i Planorbarius corneus, o specie mai mare cunoscut sub numele de Great Ramshorn. They establish social hierarchies where they live or travel to. If you keep 10 or more in a large planted tank, these are good Betta companions. Also, remember that just because one of the species listed near the top is generally accepted in a betta fish community tank, it doesnt mean that your specific betta fish will get along fine with it. Yoyo loach. Make sure to follow these parameters when As the name suggests, they have bristles that grow around their nose and mouth. Theyre bright red and like to swim together in a group of 10 or more. So, Chinese algae eaters and betta fish shouldnt be kept in the same tank. On top of their peaceful behavior and compatibility with Bettas, one of their advantages is that they eat the algae that form in the tank and other debris. Please any advice. The ideal temperature for Betta fish is 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit. Theyre not good for smaller tanks as they keep growing. Like brett said. 100% Live Guarantee! Glass catfish, aka ghost or even phantom cats, can take a while to adjust to a These gold and black scavenger fish are peaceful. But there are a few things you shouldnt miss out on learning. How many hillstream loaches you should keep in your tank depends on the size and setup of your aquarium. WebA Betta fish is one of the most popular freshwater species in the aquarium hobby. That isnt to say that you shouldnt consider getting your betta fish a tank buddy. A betta sorority is a group of at least five female betta fish in a tank. You do not want to heal your betta and harm your snail by proxy. Betta fish and gouramis dont get along well in the same tank. We recommend you dont add more than three of them to your 10-gallon Betta fish tank. If you just want to add invertebrates, like snails, a 5-gallon fish tank should be enough. Clown Loach (clown loaches are not Botia BUT can be aggressive and can grow to a large size) You should put only one Plecto in your 10-gallon Bettas tank. If you want to add these striped fish (hence the name) to your Betta tank, it has to be at least 30-gallon. We can all learn from each other and become better aquarists for it. For planted tanks, planted tank substrate works great and wont bother your Zebra Loachs barbels. Rummy-Nose or? In this article, Ill walk you through a detailed information sheet that includes their natural habitat conditions, a useful guide to setting up their tank, ideal tank mates, and common diseases you should always keep an eye out for. Rasboras are typically a more gentle fish in terms of peaceful living with a betta, and they dont tend to be fin nippers. The main reason for this failure is they get sold at different fish stores while they are juveniles. Bristlenose Plecos are great for Betta aquariums for a while. Not only does this help with the upkeep of your tank, but it also means you can have more than one shrimp in a tank. Fish that occupy a separate area to Bettas are also an excellent choice these bottom dwellers would be perfect as they will not invade the Bettas territory: Zebra loach Albino cory Bristle nose pleco Snowball pleco Candy striped pleco Adding plants to the aquarium will increase the habitats complexity which has been proven to reduce Fish that get along with bettas? Red rasbora, aka Harlequin rasbora, are small shoaling fish 2 inches long at max. Carnage would most likely occur if you were to keep a betta fish with a group of cichlids. They do good in shoals of 5 or more and add much activity to any tank and loves to mingle with other Botia/Loach species! These are very common and do well in several tank sizes. They also like to hide under rocks and crevasses, and they are scavengers. I highly recommend that you experience Tiger barb ownership at least once in your life! Shrimp make for an interesting choice of tank mate for a betta. Theyre one of the smallest catfish for fish tanks, as they only grow to five inches, max. Plecos are great at keeping algae away, its their main job. Just so you know, Albino Cory Catfish should be kept in bigger tanks, at least 30-gallon ones. I just wanted to share my betta here who had a really severe case of fin rot. The mini-me versions of the Common pleco that generally get along fine sharing a betta tank include: These plecos generally grow no larger than 5 inches. If you are considering getting a snail for your betta tank, keep in mind that all snails are highly sensitive to copper. Zebra loaches are fairly shy IME. In general, with Betta fish, they wont bother your other fish as long as theyre plenty of space and if you add large groups of the same fish species. So, a 10-gallon betta aquarium could do fine with three or four Corys. Glass Catfish. Otos are social among themselves and can be kept as a group of three in a 10-gallon Betta tank. Unlike Clown Loaches that grow much larger and, with time, go dull, they remain the same in coloration. [i] Zebra loaches have no special requirements on water conditions, they do however prefer a certain aquarium setup to be at their best. I'm glad these pretty little loaches are more available in recent years. They never thrive living alone or in smaller groups. As you will see, in almost every case, you will not want to try keeping these as tank mates with a betta. Aside from environmental differences between bettas and swordtails, an aggressive betta fish would most likely try to attack the swordtails very attractive, flowing fins. Angelicus Loach. They will school if kept in large enough groups, and really should be kept in a minimum group of three. Keep them in a group of 10 or more if you want to add them to a large Betta tank. 1. WebThe Zebra Loach, or Botia striataby its Latin name, is a lovely little freshwater fish that hails from the slow moving streams and rivers of west India. The Zebra Loach doesnt have any bands on their light beige-colored abdomens. Zebra loach, aka candy stripe loach, are four-inch bottom-dwelling scavenger fish. Make sure you get them a large tank to live freely and peacefully. Other morphological differences also become apparent when put side to side. As the name suggests, they like to stay upside down. Algae wafers are a great way to directly feed your bottom feeding fish. A Zebra Loach sometimes hides behind plants or goes into caves as means of cute mischief. Hence, in their tank setup, you need to arrange a moderate lighting system to monitor their activity during the night. For a peaceful fish like Zebra Loach Botia, any similar-sized fish with a friendly attitude will do just fine as a tank mate. Required fields are marked *. This makes it easier for aquarists to keep these schooling fish in community aquariums or with their own specimen. Their dorsal fin grows the shape of a half fan or you can say it looks semi-circular, with the tail fin looking like a fork. They typically grow up to 4 inches and have an ee-like shape. These fish suck on other fish, literally. Your email address will not be published. When introducing a new tank mate to your bettas aquarium, keep a close watch on how the two creatures interact, and be ready to remove the newcomer if trouble looks likely. From personal experience, this can lead to the female being harassed by the male. They are both aggressive creatures that will almost certainly fight if kept together. Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more, Chloroquine Phosphate Aquarium Dosing Calculator, Everything about Balloon Molly Fish: Tank size, Diet, Breeding, and more, 15 Fish With Big Eyes (With Pictures and Videos), Why Do Betta Fish Flare Gills - 6 Reasons Why (And How TO Make Them Comfortable), Blood Parrot Cichlid - A Complete Care Guide, Why Are There Bubbles In My Fish Tank 9 Reasons Why (and 7 Ways To Prevent it), 17 Fish From Finding Nemo (With Pictures), 10 Great Fish That Clean Tanks (with Pictures), Green Aquarium Water - 4 Causes (And 7 Fixes), Why Do Fish Jump Out Of Water - 8 Reasons Why (And How TO Prevent It), Zebra Loach, Zebra Botia, Lined Loach, Crossbanded Loach, Candystripe Loach, Striped Loach. As you can imagine, the more tank mates you add, the larger your aquarium will need to be. These minnows are renowned for being hardy. WebKuhli loaches. This is primarily linked to their need for solid oxygenation to ward off different ailments. Its good to add these shrimps in trios, so they dont fight each other and just need the water to be kept clean for them to be happy and peaceful. As for body shape, they mold their bodies like a loach. Their gorgeous fins adorn the aqua theme. Its actually not that difficult to find appropriate tank mates and set up a community tank. They can grow up to four inches, but theyre usually below that size. Young plecos are a good addition for your Betta sorority in at least a 25 to 50-gallon tank. Lots of decorations, such as smooth pieces of driftwood, rocks, pebbles, caves, and overhangs, can provide a territory that your betta can enjoy exploring and patrolling during the day. Since Betta fish are used to low-intensity currents, they wont go in these areas and bother your other fish that enjoy stronger currents, such as rasboras or shoaling tetras. Therefore in a home aquarium, the small size of Botia Striata helps you keep them in groups. Just like its name indicates, its shell looks like a zebra. These are the same requirements for Betta fish anyway, so its perfect. In the following, we discuss the top 10 best tank mates for betta fish. As they are always commercially bred, the average price ranges from 20$ to 50$ per pair. The zebra loach is a small to medium fish with an elongated body, flattened laterally with vertical stripes on the body and fins. Tiger barbs and betta fish are not good tankmates. What Fish can you put with a betta? Panda cory cats are also good tank mates for your female Betta fish. You can create separate areas and give your fish hiding and exploration spots, as Bettas particularly like to explore their fish tank. We dont spam. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. If you have more space than that, thats even better. If youre giving them a protein-rich diet, ensure they dont get overfed. Theyre yellow with brown stripes and wont bother any fish or fry. He has kept freshwater tanks, ponds, and reef tanks for over 25 years. They do a decent job for their size in keeping down the algae growth. These are both very good things to look for. However, if you plan on adding other fish, males or females, you will need a much bigger tank. Clown Plecostomus are a dwarf species of Pleco fish. But you get the idea. Goldfish Ranchu Oranda Khuli Loach. As their name indicates, they are albino, and they dont grow more than two inches. Additionally, it is They are fairly easy keepers overall and are a fine choice for a beginner looking to house more than a betta in a tank. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. WebGolden zebra loach, Burmese loach Betta sp. There you have it, our top-to-bottom recommendations on betta fish tank mates. I love starting a conversation with my readers. We recommend adding a group of five or seven in a 30-gallon tank or more. They are schooling fish, meaning that they should be kept in groups of at least five individuals in order to remain healthy and happy. Those which appear around the tail look vertical in shape. Food Betta fish are omnivorous and in the wild, they eat insects, larvae and algae. Zebra Loach Scientific Name: Botia striata Adult Size: 3 to 4 inches Compatible with: Cherry Barbs, Celestial Pearl Danios, Neon Tetras Care Level: Easy Origin: India These colorful and attractively-patterned fish are both hardy and relaxed. This tends to be the case more often than not because they are not commonly bred and raised in captivity. The African Dwarf frogs tend to do their thing, and the betta fish does its separate thing. You can lace it up with plant matter that grows on the substrate. These shy schoolers are another good option in groups of 10. The zebra loach (Botia striata) is a freshwater fish that originates from Southeast Asia. The reticulated hillstream loach isnt a schooling fish, but these fish thrive when surrounded by their own species. These fish are schooling fish and will be lost and stressed without their own companions to swim with. Due to uncertainty in their behavior after laying eggs, we cant really know how they would treat the fry. Looking at their head, you notice a set of some barbels lacing their heads and noses. Thats because female Bettas are less territorial and aggressive than male ones. While commercial foods are not that bad, opting out for cheaper brands would cost you your beloved pets life. You need bottom-dwelling tank mates for your male Betta fish for larger Betta tanks. Tetra Piaractus brachypomus: Pacu Cichlids like living in waters that have a high pH balance, whereas betta fish need to live in a low pH environment. Woah, went through a lot of info today . Another good way of providing interest for your betta fish is to give him some company in his tank. They also inhabit a few regions of Bangladesh in a relatively smaller number. I debated putting the possibility of goldfish living with bettas at the top of this entire article, as its one of the most common questions I get asked about betta tank mate possibilities. The empty bucket will hold the dirt, debris, and worms you siphon from the fish tank. Care level: easy; Size: 3 4 inches; Temperature range: 73 to 79 F; PH range: 6 to 6.5; Social behavior: peaceful bottom-dwelling fish; Tank size: 20-gallon; Loaches are undoubtedly the best fish that can control the pest snail population. You can either get the couple a separate breeding tank or breed them in a tank devoid of other fish species. Dont miss valuable advices. Their small size and their peaceful behavior make them good tank mates for your Betta fish. Some loach species you might like to consider include: Loaches can also grow pretty large, depending on the species, so you must carefully research your preferred variety before taking one home. When betta fish get curious about something, they often act like toddlers and put whatever they discover into their mouths. They were first sighted in 1926 by the Indian Zoologist Narayan Rao. Yoyo loaches, aka Almora loaches, are colorful scavenger fish. Otos, however, are sometimes quite difficult to acclimate to the aquarium. In my opinion, one gallon or two gallons or three gallons - is far too little space. Ideally, a tank size of 30 gallons does well for a decent group of Zebra Loaches. Shrimp Species: Ghost Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Cherry Shrimp 4. Cichlids are awesome fish to keep, just not in the same aquarium as a betta fish! Zebra loaches are omnivores and readily accept a wide range of foods. 45 gallon in the Betta fish or slow-swimming fish with long fins. In their wild habitat, the Zebra Loach Botia stay active and explore their surroundings at a subdued pace. The dojo loach or weather loach will spend most of its day swimming along the substrate and eating leftover food. We seek to promote and sell equipment that works and understand that sometimes these will be products we do not carry so we are happy to part folks in the right direction :). These stripes, unlike the other bands sitting on different body locations, look black. Wild betta fish are pretty much solitary creatures, coming together only to spawn. Ensuring that the species can live comfortably in the size tank you have. As their name suggests, these are miniature frogs that can truly make your tank unique! What kind of freshwater fish are these? Mollies with long, flashy tails are far more likely to trigger aggression in betta fish. Zebra Loaches have a small-sized body that consists of thick and thin sides from different fin locations. Bettas are known to be aggressive and territorial, but as long as you set them up in a tank thats large enough and find the right tank mates, everything should go smoothly. Otocinclus fish, aka Otos, are a small type of schooling catfish. Another good tank mate for your Betta fish is a Kuhli loach, aka Leopard or Cinnamon loach. It, our top-to-bottom recommendations on betta fish under rocks and crevasses, and really be. Cory cats are also good tank mates ( Botia Striata helps you keep them in captive. Light beige-colored abdomens and add much activity to any tank and loves to with..., opting out for cheaper brands would cost you your beloved pets life subdued lighting that replicates natural! Very easily and can take over the tank of the Month, however, Bettas... The male own companions to swim together in a relatively smaller number, as they Albino... As that constant camouflage makes them harder to spot by an overly ambitious betta fish shouldnt kept. 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